October 5, 2011

News for Eve?

Very little chatter on 2 nights in a row fights in C3. 21 billion killed 4.5 billion lost.

Oh and a RA pet titan down too...

Kugus has had a little chatter but delve is obviously a hot spot.

Eve News hasn't commented on it at all, and they are hard up for any stories they can get.... which raises suspicions on a DRF payout for "propaganda" reasons.

If true.... lol

Another possible fight tonight, with a dead alliance vs the bLob coalition.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I didn't believe that EN24 could seriously be that anti-AAA... but now I am. Even with KB-linkage and battle summaries posted, they don't post a story. Bullshit response: "we were waiting for a battlereport"

Even after they got it, nothing was posted.

For the SE titan kill, they post an alert, and update it later.

What fags.